Organic Krishi Vidnyan Kendra, Kaneri, Kolhapur

KVK, is an integral part of the National Agricultural Research System (NARS), aims at assessment of location specific technology modules in agriculture and allied enterprises, through technology assessment, refinement, and demonstrations. KVKs have been functioning as Knowledge and Resource Centre of agricultural technology supporting initiatives of public, private and voluntary sector for improving the agricultural economy of the district and are linking the NARS with extension system and farmers.
Shri Siddhagiri Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Kaneri, Kolhapur (M.S.) has started functioning from January, 2019. It is a district level institution of Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR), New Delhi working for farming community. The KVK focuses on major areas such as different need based technology demonstrations, capacity development of major stakeholders like farmers and farm women, rural youth and extension functionaries. It acts as a knowledge and resource hub in the district. Our KVK is specifically promoting organic farming in the district. It is working in 06 talukas (Karveer, Kagal, Bhudargad, Gadhinglaj, Ajara and Chandgad) of district.
Encouraging farming community for increasing productivity, profitability leading to sustainable growth of agriculture though resource and knowledge centre in the district for agricultural technologies.
Farmer-centric growth in agriculture and allied sectors through application of appropriate technologies in specific agro-ecosystem perspective.
Major units at KVK & Its Association
Siddhagiri KVK has different units such as Crop Cafeteria, High and Ultra High Density Mango Orchard, Mushroom Unit, Vermicompost and NADEP compost Unit, Hydroponics, Nutrition Garden and Herbal garden etc. The organic manure required for all these field is yielded from Siddhagiri gaushala(Governed by Siddhagiri math). KVK and Siddhagiri gaushala work hand in hand.
Siddhagiri Gaushala(Governed by Siddhagiri math)
KVK is working in the area of conservation and promotion of indigenous/desi cow. The vision is to rear Indigenous Cows by Scientific way to bring about increase in productivity in the existing farming system and conservation of Indigenous Breeds. It has 810 desi cows of 22 breeds such as, Gir, Sahiwal, Rathi, Deoni, Dangi, Kankarej, Ongle, Tharparkar, Amritmahal, Bargur, Kangayam, Hallikar, Khillar, Red Kandhari, Umblacherry, Vechur, Pungnur etc.
Visit at Siddhagiri Gaushala

Organic farming
KVK is working in the field of organic farming and developed several models in crop management, soil health management, plant protection measures, livestock production and management. We have developed one 1 acre model of organic farming for a family of 5-6 members. KVK is also working in different villages for developing and promoting nutritional garden for meeting the daily vegetable requirement of the family.
OFT achievement
FLD achievement
Training courses completed
Extension program completed
Value addition and processing
KVK is working with different self help groups (SHGs) for empowering women and providing them different trainings and encouraging for value addition of maximum available farm produce (Field crops, fruits and vegetables).

Technological empowerment though
social media
KVK is disseminating various crop and problems related advisory through various social media platform. KVK has it website and regular contents are being uploaded. KVK has formed different Whatsapp group and sending related information and advisories to group of farmers. KVK has its facebook page (KVK Kaneri Kolhapur) for reaching large mass of people. For content through video, KVK has developed a YouTube Channel (KVK Kaneri Kolhapur) and regularly uploading videos on different topics for the benefits of farming community.