Movement of Organic Farming
India witnessed a sea-change in the agriculture sector especially in the post-90s era of liberalization and privatization. New seed varieties, fertilizers, pesticides were introduced to match the demands in the market. Excessive use of fertilizers and pesticides has multiplied the yield, but poisonous chemical residue saturated had adversely affected consumer’s health and the soil fertility. Over the years, consequently, these new market forces changed the mindset of the sons of the soil. Due to manifold farming malpractices, a number of farmers had lost the sight of using their livestock effectively. Across the nation, we have already lost and we are continuously losing the indigenous breeds of cows. Just to survive in this competitive market, a number of farmers started opting for loans from the local landlords and the banks. In course of time, due to high debt burdens, ill-designed government policies, corruption in subsidies and crop failures, farmers started committing suicides.
In such trying times, the dire need was to go back to the basics, devise and develop innovative methods of organic farming and restore the faith of our farmers and their families. P. P. Shri. Adrishya Kadsiddheshwar Swamiji felt the urge of reviving our indigenous ways of organic farming and initiated the movement in Kolhapur district in 2011. Number of 'Desi Cows' on the route of extinction were rediscovered by Swamiji and given shelter at the Math. Over 30 breeds were brought under one roof and their excrement was used as manure for the soil. The land which had lost its fertility due to chemicals and fertilizers gradually regained its quality and productivity. By prohibiting the usage of synthetic substances while farming and by encouraging the usage of the compost manure, farmers started believing in the sustainability and self-sufficiency of the farming.

Lakhpati Sheti
"Be Lakhpati by farming in Just one Acre Land"
Shri Siddhagiri Math is known as the land of innovative approaches to resolve the day to day problems of common people. Swamiji thought of developing a unique model of farming that would give hope to every small and marginal farm holder family. Soon, an experiment was carried out at Siddhagiri Math in Kaneri. Believe it or not, over 110 crops were yielded in just one acre of land within a short span of one year. This widely appreciated self-reliant model of farming, later termed as, “Lakhpati Sheti” (Farming for Profit) proved most beneficial for over 365 farmers and their families. Today, these families are annually saving over Rs. 1 lakh and taking pride to be a part of this revolutionary initiative.
Read MoreEco-Innovations
Pyramid Shaped
Storage of the farm produce has always been one of the key challenges for any farmer.
Agnihotra is a healing fire produced by burning Indian cow dung, ghee and some raw rice pieces...
Plastic Lake
Plastic film coating is the best a short-term method that allows farmers to store enough water for one crop.
Vermicomposting is a procedure of yielding rich in nutrient compost with the use of earthworms.
Automated Jaggery Production System
There is an urgent need that health-conscious Indians should say NO to sugar.
Silage is the fodder which is conserved by reducing pH through natural anaerobic fermentation and is used for feeding
Green House
Greenhouse farming is the process of growing crops and vegetables in a green shed-net .
Drip Irrigation
Drip irrigation is a type of micro-irrigation system that has the potential to save water and nutrients by allowing water to drip
Eco-Innovations are key to sustainable and profitable farming.
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Organic Krishi Vidnyan Kendra, Kaneri, Kolhapur
Shri Siddhagiri Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Kaneri, Kolhapur (M.S.) has started functioning from January, 2019. It is a district level institution of Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR), New Delhi working for farming community.
- Siddhagiri Gaushala
- Organic farming
- Value addition and processing
- Technological empowerment through social media