Undoubtedly, like every facet of life, the educational landscape of India too has been witnessing a sea-change in the last two decades due to the era of ever-escalating liberalization and privatization. Market economy is overpowering the education sector like never before!
With the market forces playing significant role in shaping up the approach of the government towards the education, number of vernacular-medium schools being run by the civic bodies are facing closure... unfortunately, students are bearing the brunt most.
A model school always operates in the best interests of the child. At any model school, educational environment is always safe, healthy and protective. At such school, children must be provided with trained teachers, adequate resources and appropriate physical, emotional and social conditions for learning... to put it simply in a child-friendly school, children’s rights are always protected, and their voices are always heard.
Unfortunately, many Zilla Parishad schools, today, are lacking even in providing the basic amenities. Consequentially students drop out ratio in government schools is 60%. Parents too are helpless, and they are more eager to get their child enrolled in private schools. In villages too, apathy for government schools is continuously increasing.

What is Vidyachetana?
Understanding the current educational crisis, Siddhagiri Foundation, with an objective of improving the lives of the students, started sowing the seeds of quality education among the government run schools in 2013 in Karvir Taluka of Kolhapur district.
The seed that has grown up into a sustainable model of quality education is called Vidyachetana.
The model decided to lay thrust on improving students' comprehension of the subjects like Math, English and Marathi and Science. Thoughtfully designed activities with studied rationale were carried out. An average student, who had lost his confidence in his academic life, soon started gaining it, as his understanding of numbers and letters improved. As the classroom teaching became more interesting, students became communicative and inquisitive. The Zilla Parishad schools that were facing the challenges like 'dropouts', retention and enrolment soon got rapidly improved.
Today, the total 222 schools and more than 10,000 students are reaping the benefits of various initiatives being carried out under Vidya Chetana. Over 200 (earlier Vidyachetana journey had begun with just 22 teachers) from these schools have found the new pedagogic approach to make the learning meaningful and enjoyable. Earlier, the initiative which was confined just to Zila Parishad schools has now reached to Municipal schools of Kolhapur. A sea-change has occurred at the level of the local parents who used to consider private schools and private tuition as the necessity in child's educational journey. Now, parents' faith towards the government schools has been restored.
Year of Establishment
Students benefitted from Vidyachetana Project
Beneficiary Schools
Expert Teaching Faculties
Vidnyan Sancharika - Mobile science lab
Municipal schools in villages have always faced the dearth of resources and lack of exposure to science learning. To encourage hands-on learning experience and inculcate scientific temperament among the children, Siddhagiri Foundation reaches out to students through its Vidnyan Sancharika, a mobile science lab. The Mobile Science lab provides counter-intuitive science experiments and projects; promotes peer to peer learning along with hands-on experience of science education. Today more than 4000+ students from 30 villages are availing the benefits and pursuing their passion for science.
To encourage hands-on learning experience and inculcate scientific temperament among children more than 150 scientific experiments are being carried out at mobile science lab which covers the science syllabus from 1st to 8th Standard.
4000+ students from 30 villages are availing the benefits and
pursuing their passion for science.
scientific experiments are being carried out at mobile science lab
which covers the science syllabus from 1st to 8th Standard.

The Foundation has always believed in the holistic development of a child and to achieve the goal, it has been consistently promoting sports and Yoga culture in the schools and villages. The Yoga-gram (Entire village performing Yog on a daily basis) and various Vidyachetana sports initiatives make it sure that sports talents are groomed and cheered. Sports ground facilities are being prepared and nearly 10000+ students benefiting from sports facilities.
Entire village performing Yog on a daily basis
Sports ground facilities are being prepared and nearly 10000+ students benefiting from sports facilities.
E-Learning centres
Connecting students with the current digital era is utmost important and the Foundation has been endeavouring to close the digital divide by running e-learning centres at the schools. Keeping up with new edge technology, the Foundation has digitally empowered over 100 schools with all requisite hardware and software along with interactive digital content for all the grades. Teachers have also been trained to use the digital tools for effective learning. Every year, local Ganeshotsav Mandals and the villagers are encouraged to sponsor an e-learning center at one school and if Ganeshotsav Mandals or villagers do agree to shoulder the responsibility, the Foundation reciprocates and sponsors another e-learning centre in another school.
Keeping up with new edge technology, the Foundation has digitally empowered over 100 schools with all requisite hardware and software along with interactive digital content for all the grades.

Each stakeholder of quality education plays a pivotal role and the Foundation has been building the bridges among these stakeholders continuously. The Foundation's innovative initiative, 'Padyapujan' , has been helping in strengthening an emotional bond between the pupil and his parents. The event is carried out twice in a year and during the event, parents take a pledge to remain alert and aware towards the emotional needs of their kids.
Today, the total 222 schools and more than 10,000 students are reaping the benefits of various initiatives being carried out under Vidya Chetana. Over 200 (earlier Vidyachetana journey had begun with just 22 teachers) from these schools have found the new pedagogic approach to make the learning meaningful and enjoyable. Earlier, the initiative which was confined just to Zila Parishad schools has now reached to Municipal schools of Kolhapur. A sea-change has occurred at the level of the local parents who used to consider private schools and private tuition as the necessity in child's educational journey. Now, parents' faith towards the government schools has been restored.